About the Site

Image courtesy of Jill Knutson Haukos


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that I've found your site! I was a city girl until I moved to a rural area, and had to teach myself a good deal of botany to identify the plants in my own yard. The grasses are fascinating, and I was delighted to find that on close examination, their flowers are extremely colorful. Right now I'm thinking of the tiny bluish flowers of timothy!

BanyanWanderer said...

I'm glad you discovered the wonders of botany ;-) I would suggest a macro lens if you have one. I could not be more pleased when I got it and started photographing grass inflorescence. It's like going into this new other world that we don't usually get to see. I now have a drone and will be doing high up shots from the other side of the coin, so to speak. Anyways, glad you're with us!

Anonymous said...

What a great site - I am a rangeland scientist in Australia and I really learn so much about different grasses and other parts of the world from all your posts. Great stuff. Peter

BanyanWanderer said...

Australia has some pretty awesome grasses too, and one day I hope to get to know some of them personally ;-)