Monday, August 19, 2019

Macrophotography of Rice (Oryza sativa) Ligules and Auricles

I have recently started taking macro shots using a new lens that I bought. Diving into macro has opened up an entirely new world, one which has revealed the beauty of barely visible objects that I would normally not even give a second glance.

My equipment is fairly basic since I am a beginner, and includes the somewhat basic Nikon D3400 DSLR and a Tokina at-X PRO M 100mm F2.8 D Macro Lens with a Nikon mount.

As you can see from the images, it's  now possible for me to take quite nice photos of even the rice ligules and auricles.

I do have one big warning for people trying to use the D3400 with the Tokina 100 mm Macro Lens. You cannot use autofocus at all with this combination, and so you need to be able to work with manual settings. I believe the reason is that neither lens nor camera has a built-in auto-focus motor.

Old Rice Grains

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