Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Untold Story Of Grasses

A very nice video that advocates for the saving of old growth grasslands and opposition to the mindless planting of trees everywhere. I particularly like how the narrator mentions that grasslands drew animals out of the forest "to discover the joys of light, infinite food, and the space to see and flee from predators"...because this was probably how our ancestors felt when they themselves moved out of the forest and into the light.

Learn more about grasslands and forests:

The story of the underdogs that took out their forest adversaries with powerful allies – fire and the great herds. Grasses created an open sunlit world, rich in plants and animals, including those that nurture and feed us and sustain our cities. Now all are threatened by a trillion trees. Most people don’t think about grass and dismiss ancient grasslands as mere empty space or degraded forests. The open sunlit habitats of half the world have been further neglected in the current tide of media promoting forests and tree planting as a quick fix for climate change. But grassy biomes have been carving a space in forests for millions of years. They created an alternative sunlit world, the inverse of forests – fire-loving and friendly to herds of herbivores. Ancient old-growth grasslands still exist today. Many are extraordinarily rich in plants and animals, which are restricted to their open, sunlit, grassy habitat. Grasslands have provided the world’s major seed crops, staple food for billions of people. Grassland animals were key to the development of our civilizations, providing transport, food and fiber. Global plans to plant billions of trees in vast areas could see the collapse of grasslands in the next decade. Our story was motivated by our concern for this impending disaster. This video gives voice to the sunlit, grassy world, calling for wisdom and understanding rather than policies driven by panic and ignorance.

Credits: Script by William Bond Narration by William Bond


Hollis said...

Even scarier story in NYTimes today: Tree Planting Is Booming. Here’s How That Could Help, or Harm, the Planet.

BanyanWanderer said...

Thank you. I like how it mentions that companies (and governments) are basically taking the easy way out (which may not necessarily be the right way to do things, and in fact are making things worse). It's easy to get swept up in new "fads" that promise easy solutions where none exists. It's harder to get the job done correctly so it benefits the most, and not just the companies who want cheap lumber or cheap monoculture plantation products (and are getting kudos points for allegedly being "good" at the same time).